Monday, August 27, 2012

A Spiritual Snuggle

"Didn't you just ever need a hug, or a cuddle, or a snuggle 
and then you went to your favorite mentor and had coffee? 
It fixed everything right? They snuggled you without actually snuggling you."

      Everyone needs a Spiritual Snuggle. There are plenty of times when we are feeling down, frustrated, scared, or upset and we feel empty. We feel as if we are missing something. Our hearts are down and our souls need some uplifting. Some of us turn to our beds to "sleep off" the bad feelings, some go to the kitchen, some go to the shower, some go for a run, and some go to prayer. Me? I go to my Spiritual Snuggler. 
      We've had a busy, rough week here at school for student leaders. We've had to sit through tons of trainings for various leadership positions, be in fifty different places at once and wear five different shirts at the same time. Communicative sometimes got choppy (my biggest pet peeve) and attitudes were at their breaking limitations. If I didn't know myself, I'd have broken down...but I do know myself. I know that when things get tough, I need to remove myself for a mere few minutes and breathe. Every single day this week, when things would get rough, I'd plant myself in my Spiritual Snuggler's office for those moments of breathers. 
      She is always there for me...literally, her office is an OPEN DOOR. There were some days this week when I walked in and she asked if it was a "Closed or Open Door" conversation. She knows me. She would sometimes sit with me at her table or she would let me just be there with her while venting, or she would walk with me back to where I had to be. Whenever someone asks me where my favorite place on campus is, I have to say her office. It's perfect for her and her spiritual snuggles.
     So what is a spiritual snuggle? It's a moment where someone listens to you for a few seconds or maybe a few minutes or even hours. It's when someone doesn't mind sacrificing a few moments when she passes you by. It's when someone gives you an unexpected hug or an encouraging pat on the shoulder. It's when someone sends you a random smile somehow. It's when someone goes out of their way to give you some much needed love. It's when someone takes your spirit and snuggles it either physically, emotionally or spiritually, real close and lets you know it will be ok! 
     And so, during my hectic week, I was so blessed to have my Spiritual Snuggler so close by and so willing to give me all the spiritual snuggles I needed. 

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