Monday, August 4, 2014

Introducing Mama Mary to the Methodists

"Gentle Mother, Peaceful Dove,
teach us wisdom, teach us love."
- "Hail Mary, Gentle Woman" Carey Landry

     It was time for one of my most favorite weeks of the Summer: Vacation Bible School. I was anxious to be back in the grove of actually doing something with my Summer, but also because I got to spend a week with some of my favorite people on Earth. It's only one week a year that I really get to see them, unless we bump into each other in the neighborhood. But, as Miss Char and I agreed at the end of the week, when we do finally see each other after a year, it's like no time lapsed. And that, my friends, is due to the fact that we carry each other in prayer every day.
     I couldn't wait to meet my group of favorite ladies Saturday morning to help set up for VBS the following week. There is nothing quite like carrying around the giant industrial roll of packaging tape and struggling with every rip. Of course, really I was looking forward to all the hugs and laughter that often come when I'm with them. It's always like being welcomed back into a family. And my favorite part of the morning came when Miss Carol essentially tackled me on the ground with a hug that simply said, "Bec, I've missed you."
     Monday, orange night, the first night of VBS came quickly. Our theme for the week: "Workshop of Wonders." Essentially we were talking about all the ways we can imagine, build, grow, walk and work with God. Of course, every time this was said, the room erupted in a shout of "GEAR UP." I was blessed yet again to be working with the always lovely "Miss Christine" and "Miss Kelsey." Words cannot describe these lovely ladies. They simply amaze me with their selflessness and I've seen it throughout the years. The best part about our trio...we are all the same age. Yep, you got that right: the youngest VBS teachers. We are a triple threat. The night began with a welcome, lots of bathroom runs, and a little bit of anxiety from some new comers. Yet, the end of the night, there was a sigh of relief from all of us: we were blessed with a particularly sane group of first and second graders. That was until Tuesday night came along....
    Tuesday night we were blessed with a few new lovely students. We now officially had a full class: fifteen. The whisper of a blessing of a particularly difficult student joining our class started surfacing and I couldn't seem to figure out which one he or she was. Of course, when we got to the workbook segment of our night (literally only about a half hour into the night), there was no need to guess. It was clear that this particularly difficult child had to be the sticker fiend. As the night wore on, the triple threat team was getting worn out. We were trying everything to get the class to calm down but as many of you know, once one starts, it's down hill from there. 
     The next night seemed to be a level higher than the night before when it came to behavioral episodes for a few of our students. It was then that I began to pray for sanity and patience. At one point, after our game, we had a sit down breathing moment. We had everyone go from our tables one by one and this seemed to work. By Wednesday night, I was feeling so worn out. Two more days, I thought. Then, I realized I never, ever count down to the end of VBS. Something was wrong...but of course, I casually remembered the faces of all the little ones who made it worth it. As much as I and the other members of our triple threat team were feeling worn down by the craziness of our class, I knew that there was God in these hectic moments. 
     Thursday night, I thought it would be a good night. During our songs of praise in the beginning, no one was aggravating another and everyone seemed to line up nicely without having to be asked more than once. This was also the night that I got to the read the story. Sidenote: I absolutely LOVE to read to people. I love reading stories out loud because it just makes me so happy. I also love to do weird voices and stuff so there's that...Anyway, instead of sitting at the table for story time tonight, we had them all sit on the floor around my chair. I asked them all for their eyes. If they weren't paying attention, I simply put my hand on their head. It was like a miracle happened...until the ice cream fiasco. 
      For our activity that night we were making ice cream. You know, ice and salt in a bag with cream, sugar and vanilla in another bag. Shake it up and in five minutes, you should get some ice cream. It was absolutely hilarious to see all our kids shaking and baking their ice cream. They were jumping, laughing, and simply enjoying themselves. We were enjoying watching them enjoy the moment and their eventual ice cream. That was until ice cream suddenly came flying through the air at us. Yes, within seconds we were splattered with some nice sugary ice cream and we weren't exactly happy about it. Of course, this type of outburst required some discipline. So, as you might guess, we needed some isolation from the group. 
      We had two more rotations to go and our dear ice cream flinger was with me for the rest of the night. While the class enjoyed their snack together, we enjoyed snack, just the two of us, at a separate table. What I noticed about this particularly difficult little boy was that when we were one on one, he was well-behaved. He didn't act out because he was getting attention. So, I asked him about his likes and dislikes. He liked reading and drawing comics. For the next half hour, we drew comics. The entire time, I prayed. I prayed to Mary, asking her to help me be a gentle mother to this little boy. I felt a flood of patience come over me and I felt strong enough to deal with this seemingly troubled child of God. Of course, his discipline didn't end there, as we had agreed he wouldn't participate in Music at the end of the night. So, after having a nice chat about how we were going to behave the next night, we sat in the back of the church. After a few moments of not wanting to listen, this little one quickly fell asleep. And I? Well, I continued to pray to Mary. Yes, my friends, I whipped out my Rosary and started praying to Mary in the Methodist church.
     However crazy that may seem, for me, this was normal. Last week, I had been up around school and was out for a run. I didn't have any headphones in or anything, I was simply running and praying. Behind me, at one point, Sister Margaret pulled up and asked me how I was doing. Great, Sister. Then she saw my rosary and let me go on my merry way. Pulling out my Rosary in the most random, peculiar places is something I could probably be known for. So, pulling out my Catholic Rosary in a Methodist church was nothing. Before I left, Miss Carol pulled me aside and mentioned my incredible patience with out little friend. She told me she thought I was much akin to Mother Teresa. Later that night, I posted about praying to Mama Mary as Gentle Mother. When a few of our team commented, I promised to tell the story of Mama Mary and me. 
     On our last night of VBS, I got there a little early to tell the story about Mama Mary. All night while I was praying to Mama Mary for patience and gentleness, the song "Hail Mary, Gentle Woman" was playing in my head. Gentle mother, peaceful dove, teach me wisdom, teach me love. I kept saying it over and over and over. When I laid in bed Thursday night, I realized how great Mama Mary was to me. She had given me the grace to be patient and gentle mother. She had taught me love yet again. As I was telling Miss Carol this, I started to recite the words to the song. Of course, the song begins by chanting the Hail Mary. As I started, Miss Carol finished. I was so confused. It turns out she knew a little bit about Mama Mary already. 
     The thing I love about being with my Methodist family is that we can faith share in incredible capacities. While we may not practice our faiths entirely the same, we can still join together in prayer. We can still talk about Scripture. We can still share things about our me sharing about Mama Mary. Working with my Methodist family reminds me of my belief that we can all connect over faith. We can always travel with each other in prayer and that is so important. I love being with them because there are no boundaries to love. Every year, VBS comes at a time when I need it the most. Little did they know, but I needed VBS so much this year. I needed a sense of purpose and it came when I saw the faces of those little children. But more importantly, I needed a chat with Mama Mary. Who would have known that it would be through my Methodist family that I would find a gateway to prayer with Mary, my Mother. Of course, I also really needed a chance to catch up with my dearest Sisters in Spirit and mentors. Shout out to all the lovely people who helped me discover my Catholic faith a little deeper by living out so proudly your Methodist faith. 

1 comment:

  1. my favorite hymn! hope one day to hear your beautiful voice sing it! saying rosary for you each nite!
