Sunday, February 9, 2014

Who Am I?

"I am an only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything, 
I will NOT refuse to do something I can do."
- Helen Keller

     This past weekend I did some soul searching at retreat. While at retreat, Sister Jeannine spoke to us about journaling, which is clearly one of my most favorite things to do. During her presentation, she challenged us to take journaling to a deeper level. She challenged us to figure out who we are. She gave us a formula as a little guideline and I decided to share my discovery with you. 

Who am I?
I am Rebecca Lynn, whose name means "Servant of God" and "Lady of the Water." Makes sense. I am a daughter, a granddaughter, a sister, a niece, a cousin. I am Croydon. I am the God-mother to two beautiful little girls. I am the Confirmation Sponsor to five beautiful young women. I am a student who is dedicated to her studies and currently misses being in the classroom (thanks, Snow). I am a lover of the English language and of literature who appreciates diagraming sentences and reading. I am a writer who expresses best through the written word, in poetry and journaling. I am a lover of words. I am a singer although not the best, can still sing praise to God. I am sometimes an artist. I am a photographer who enjoys capturing nature as it's most beautiful. I am a friend with one mouth and two ears. I am a traveler. 

I am a young woman searching for her place in this world. I am one who falls in love with people no matter where she goes whether it be the next city over or a third-world country. I am one who yearns for the soft rush of the ocean because it is steady and that is sometimes the only steady thing in life. I am one who yearns for the rush of water over my skin in a swimming pool, or the gentle breeze in my hair or the sound of blade scraping the ice because it makes me feel beautiful and it is rare I feel that way. I am one who prefers the quiet, gentle touch of hands than perpetual loud conversation between two people because between touch two share so much more. I am one who desires simplicity and not extravagance. I am one who desires not the spotlight. I am one who prefers pulling curtains than performing on stage. I am one who wishes she could cry in front of others to prove her authenticity but cannot for fear of being broken. I am one who smiles despite pain. I am often misunderstood. I am questioned. I am one who wears protective shields of armor to protect myself. I am one who has been challenged by others who have hurt me. I am one who knows heartache and brokenness. Yet I am one who loves and loves and loves without condition for I was taught by the Father to love all those I meet. I am one who loves with forgiveness and without judgement. I am one who loves all who have hurt me and all who may hurt me. I am one who responds to hurt with love. I am one who loves those who deserve love and those who, by the world's standards, do not. I am one who loves. 

I am love. I am the light of the world. I am the candle burning the bushel basket from my light. I am light for others not for myself. I am salt of the earth. I am the seasoning with which I spice up life. I am passion. If I read a beautiful book or have a great dish at a new restaurant, I let the world know. I do all things with passion because each day I am given life. Each day I am a champion over death for I have woken for yet another day and I am grateful to God. I am laughter. I am joy. I am she who laughs without fear of her future. I am joyful with the thought of each day being yet another miracle. I am bursts of energy in every task I am given by God. I am a supernova, an exploding star, of love for the world and all the beauty within it. I am a splurge of energy each second giving witness to LIFE itself. I am a servant of God who has been asked to walk a tough road; a tough road that only God and I know. I am faith on fire. I am a charismatic young woman on fire with love for God; a fire that cannot be put out. 

    Journal writing has always given me an insight to who I truly am. Writing out powerfully who I am, however, gave me strength. I cried while writing this, I laughed while writing this and at the end, I felt as if God had given me a surge of energy to continue His mission for me. Of course, this is not everything. There are many things about me that many do not know and never will know because that is simply who I am. I like to think I'm like Shrek, an onion of layers. However, I'd probably go with Donkey's alternative of a cake or parfait, both of which have layers. There are always layers to be reached, even for ourselves and Sister Jeannine reiterated that for us this weekend. 
     Now, you read mine. Go and do your own. Who are you? Start at the surface until you cannot think of anything anymore. Then start a new paragraph, go deeper this time. Stop when you cannot think of anything anymore. Finally, go even deeper. WHY are you who you are? I am energetic because of the love GOD gives me and the love I have for Him. All things in my life are expressed with that passion of being on fire for God. Who are you? Why?

1 comment:

  1. This entry most definitely speaks to me and already my mind is whirring. Yes, we are like onions and at the core is God.
