Monday, July 23, 2012

May God Bless The Methodists - A VBS Story of Grace

"Jesus, I give You my heart and my soul.
I know that without God, I'd never be whole. 
Savior, You open all the right doors,
and I thank You and praise You, from earth's humble shores.
Take me, I'm Yours."
- For Those Tears I Died, Marsha J. Stevens

     The first thing people ask when I tell them I just spent a week helping out at Vacation Bible School (which will from here on out be referred to as VBS) is where. While they are usually expecting me to say my Parish, I can only answer: The Methodist Church across the street from my house. You should see the shocked faces. Me? A devout Catholic helping out the Methodists? Who woulda thought? However, those shocked faces were nothing compared to the faces I received the first year I helped with VBS and told the group I was Catholic. I might have given the one lady a heart attack. No, but in all seriousness, it was a shock all around. And yet, I was confused. Just because we were different denominations of Christianity, I didn't see any reason we couldn't easily work together. By the grace of God, I casually mentioned this my first year and within minutes we were faith sharing. By the end of the week, you never would have known there was any difference between us.
     I loved VBS so much my first year, that I went back again to help for a second year. Once again, I was with my first and second graders but we had new teachers. It was that year that I was so blessed to work with Miss Carol and Miss Christine. I've realized that as close-knit as my Parish family is, this church community is even closer. Of course, I am always an odd ball out because I don't attend services there, and so I can easily be pointed out. While I've always been able to stick out in every situation, this one was so different, unique and grace-filled. Miss Carol and I got to bond over tons of things that special week, like dancing to the VBS music videos to sharing our bibles. Of course, I HAD to share my bible with her because I have more books in mine than she does. True story!! However, just like my bible, hers was just as bookmarked, underlined and filled with her favorite verses. It was such a blessed second VBS with that church community!
      Of course, the third time for anything is always the charm and thus, this year at VBS was the most blessed, I believe. Unfortunately, Miss Carol and I didn't get the chance to help the first and second graders together, but she was still there. And let me tell you how much Miss Carol helped me out this past week. On the first day she sought me out just to give me my VBS staff shirt. She's beautiful! In the middle of the week, after all the little children had gone home, we were casually chatting away about God's goodness and suddenly she told me that sometimes, what I post on Facebook, is exactly what she needed to read. Before I knew it, both of us had gentle tears in our eyes. Of course, I went home that night and immediately started writing her a three-page letter on how she has changed my life. 
      You see, Miss Carol accepted me with loving arms and right away put our slight faith differences aside. She agreed with my former statement...why should those slight differences interfere with God's goodness and God's plan. She not only did that for me, but she also allowed me to open my own eyes. Often, I don't think twice about what I post on Facebook or on this blog or on Twitter because it's from my heart and that's all that matters. I never thought it could affect someone else in a positive way or bring them closer to God. But she opened my eyes to this gift which I possess. It's pretty neat I guess. Miss Carol accepted me as me and loved me just as so. 
      So Thursday night, I handed her the letter and left the building. Friday night, as soon as I walked in (that was the day I really needed a hug), she came bustling over and said, "Here's your hug and now let's go talk about your letter." Well, since I really needed the hug and when I'm in that type of mood, I'm like a bubble that once touched I just burst, I held on trying to cover up the tears that were kind of slipping out. So, as I re-gathered my senses, we went up the stairs to the sanctuary where Miss Carol shared her favorite hymn with me; one that always makes her cry. And let me tell you that while I never heard it, or even thought about reading the music, I simply read the words of the hymn. I couldn't help the tears...ok I was literally sobbing reading the beautiful words of this hymn. I posted the third verse above because it is just so fitting. As I was sobbing, the little kids were filing into my pew and Miss Carol had to go solve a major dilemma. Just as I finished sobbing, Miss Carol came back to tell me that she believes I have the heart of an old lady, a wise old, church-going lady, who she can talk to as an equal, not as a mentor to a child. She admitted that it's funny because to her, I am a child, I am only 20 years old (which I think is old each her own) and yet, she doesn't see that in me. She sees someone far beyond her years. 
       Miss Carol not only was an instrument of God when I needed her, but she remains still that gift from God in my life. I know she is praying for me every day and I hope she knows I'm praying for her, too. Of course, I know I can count on her storming Heaven for my service trip in two days. Miss Carol is such a beautiful woman of God, so full of gentleness, love and joy in the Lord!!! I am so blessed by Miss Carol in my life; she is such an inspiration for me. May God bless Miss Carol and may God bless the Methodists; I sure do love them!!!

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