Sunday, May 20, 2012

Let's Go To The Beach, Beach - Stone Harbor

"We may think that what we do is a mere drop in the ocean but the ocean would be so much less without that drop."
- Mother Teresa

     The later into the school year it got, the less work I did at work study and the more heart to heart conversation that took place. Essentially, by the last week of school, both my Work Study Sister (she's lovely, legitimately) and myself really could have used a day or two at the beach. Fortunately, for us, we were going to get four! 
     It was the annual Nun's Beach Service Trip. Last year, because I was in Florida, I couldn't go and I was heartbroken. But, my calendar assured both me and my Sister that I could go this year. Praise God!! I had just moved out of my dorm room Monday night and hadn't even been home for more than twelve hours before I was on the road again headed back to school. I had gone out early to Mass, got back on the road, and after picking up s'mores boy (see pictures below) and getting coffee, we were at school again preparing for those four days down the shore with the sisters and some students. Soon, we were on our way, myself driving behind the school van with all the luggage and s'mores boy (who would later in the week be referred to as simply "cardigan"). After taking all the crazy back roads to the beach, we finally made it to the mansion! Having been there once before, I was ecstatic to see the familiar white building and hear the ocean. Sidenote: I have a minor obsession with water and the ocean. So, just the very notion of the ocean (that rhymed) brought me happiness. 
     We arrived, unloaded the vans and were given x amount of free time to do whatever. Me? I went wading, of course. I legitimately ran to the beach, which by the way is in the back yard of the Mansion and owned by the Sisters (how cool?!). I was in the water after just barely pulling up my pant legs. It felt wonderful. I was the happiest girl in the world. After free time, it was dinner around a HUGE rectangular table and then a bout of "collecting" fire wood. By collecting, I mean borrowing without the intention of returning. Then we had our campfire during which a few sisters and students had their very first s'mores (which, really, how does one go through life without ever having eaten one?!) and we played the famous alphabet game during which we deducted and added points like we were doing a chemistry problem. We also played the story game where each person adds a line to a story. Apparently grandma makes tuna which really isn't tuna when she's down the shore...suuuuuure, Sister. 
   The next day was quite a special one since I went to bed nineteen years old and woke up twenty. I, like some people, don't really like my birthday; it's too much attention. Yet, my friends, knowing this, decided to tell everyone in the house. Yes, oh how I love them. When my dear work study sister gave the ok to have everyone sing to be at breakfast, I uncontrollably gave her a most horrendous stink face (for which I later apologized) because I absolutely, positively DO NOT like that song!! All in good humor though, I swallowed it. We spent the morning cleaning the third floor, working in teams. My team, made up of myself, my roommate, some new friends and Sister Work Study got the most lovely view : the beach. Yep, we were spoiled. And it was most likely fixed...but whatever. Since it was rainy that day, I very willingly took the free time in the afternoon to curl up in bed with my book and take a nap for a little while. Dinner followed and then, after I had allowed myself believe that the birthday embarrassment was over, a cake was wheeled out with a very typical convent like candle (a vigil candle) and a most beautiful birthday card. I don't know how she managed it, but everyone signed it and I was completely clueless the whole time. I will honestly say, as much as I don't like my birthday, it was the best birthday I had ever had. I couldn't have been more grateful for the amount of love that was put into it. 
     The next day followed the same pattern, minus the whole birthday celebrations. That afternoon I spent my free time with some of the sisters and lovely ladies in Cape May "shopping" and by shopping I mean, doing Pop Rock Shots (dumping the whole bag of pop rocks in your mouth at one time and having your mouth EXPLODE), animating puppets, and telling stories about the paintings we found in the stores on main street. After the shopping trip, a few crazy girls and myself went swimming. By swimming I mean, full out bathing suit, head under the water, swimming. It was glorious. And it made my bum knee feel absolutely wonderful. Hello Water Therapy!!! That night, my best friend (who is a "baby nun") and I took a severely long walk...and that was even better therapy...for my heart.
    Friday came before we knew it and so, it was spent hanging out with the sisters, cleaning up the place one final time and teaching the other sisters who were on retreat how to fly a kite on the beach. When it came time to leave, I almost cried. So much of me is the ocean; I thrive on water. It's such a spiritual thing for me but also, I am a true believer in the fact that the beach does something so wonderful: it strips a person down to their core and allows them to be who they really are. 
     The truth of the matter is this: the sisters we see at school are our teachers and our administrators. The kids they see at school are their students and people they must look out for me. But down the shore, everyone is on the same level. Conversations that may never have taken place at school, happened at the shore. We all learned something new about one another and it was such a growing experience for everyone. From tagging along to Mass in the morning with the sisters, to having those quiet heart to heart conversations in passing, to counting the number of extra hugs received, to simply sharing the peace and joy of the ocean with some of those who I love so much. 
     I would honestly give anything to have stayed an extra day. But let's be honest. I think next time, it should be two weeks long. I miss it. I miss it so much. I miss the sound of the ocean coming through my window. I miss the smiling faces of hard workers cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. I miss the early morning sun rise and pre-coffee conversations with the sisters. I miss simply being there. It was quite possible the best way to start Summer of Service 2012!!! Here's to the rest of my service trips this summer going just as well!
 "Collecting" wood for the firepit 
 Some things never change 
 Sister's first s'more
 Cleaning the bathrooms 
 Two-thirds of the Kitchen Crew 
 Pop Rock humor me
 These were the best...after the yodeling pickle
 Hello Summer Mansion
 Just a little bit of photography
 Teaching Sister how to not crash a kite
Best group ever? I think so!


  1. Breathe slowly and enjoy the time to reflect....It is rare and precious

  2. Thank you. This time is so beautiful!
