Thursday, May 17, 2012

Princess for a Day - First Communion

"The most beautiful thing in the world is the communion between Jesus in the Eucharist and the littlest hearts who have the fullest understand of who He is!"

     Do you remember that day? For me, it was May 6th, 2000. I wore a beautiful white dress and cute little white shoes. I wore precious little socks with little white bows on the side and my veil was attached to a headband. I had practiced time and time again on how to fold my hands and bow my head and stick out my tongue. I was ready! 
     When I think back on it, it feels like it happened so long ago and yet, I can perfectly recall it like it was yesterday. I can't honestly say I remember my sister's the same way, but I'm sure she could easily recall the whole thing for you, too. It's been a while since there was a First Communion in our family and while some people have told me they think about their special day every time they receive the Eucharist, I can't truthfully say I do. It's not very often that I do think about it. But one thing is for sure, I never want to go back to those pre-Eucharist days, because Jesus in the Eucharist is my ultimate strength!!
     Flash forward to May 5th, 2012; the First Communion of my littlest sister and my god-daughter (that, my friends is CRUCIAL information). I had come home from school late the night before and the alarm went off at a whooping 5:30 am; I hit the snooze button til 6. The little princess was sound asleep on my floor as I crept down the stairs to get myself ready. At 7, I finally woke her up. Princess Face (my latest nickname for her) got up and hopped in the shower to finally start getting ready! We had to be at school by 8:30 and for a little Princess, that might seem impossible. But, we did it! Her hair, subtle makeup and outfit was all ready to go and although I am a bit biased, she was the most beautiful little First Communicant I had ever seen. 
      Mass was at ten and so I was granted another hour of running around like crazy trying to calm her down, see all the parishioners who almost didn't recognize me because it's been so long since I've been home, and finding my great-grandmother (true story. she got lost.) My own heart was beating like crazy because I was so excited for my little Princess. Soon enough, the music began and all the little princes and princesses came walking down the aisle. I love to sing and always sing my heart out in church, but when I saw her smiling as she walked down the aisle, I choked up and couldn't sing without tears running down my face. I was so happy for her!! After the whole congregation got over the little awkward parts of the Mass by saying, "And also with you spirit," and my great-grandma awkwardly asking me when I was going to get back together with my previously dated friend, everyone was into the actual swing of the Mass. From where we were seated in the church, I could not see a thing. I guess it's a short person problem!! But, I could hear everything.
       Father's homily was absolutely beautiful. He started by asking where the parents were, then the grandparents, then the God-Parents. Out of all the people packed into our Parish, there were only five God-Parents and I was one of those five proud God-Parents!!!! He then asked all the kids why they were excited for the day!! After asking almost all the kids, he tied together all their answers and produced the most beautiful First Communion Homily I've heard in a while (and I've heard a lot!!!). 
      Finally the time came for the first communicants to receive their First Eucharist and while I couldn't see a thing, my heart knew when my little Princess received Jesus! Immediately, tears were streaming down my cheeks for the beauty of the First Communion between Jesus and the little hearts of the kids! I walked down the aisle as the time came for me to go to Communion and Sister Jeanne, reached her hand out from her pew as I walked by to pat my arm. I smiled at her and saw that she had damp cheeks, too. I guess it's a sister thing!! In both senses of the word!! I smiled at Little Lizzie as I walked past and she was all smiles!! Yep, the most beautiful thing in the world is to witness the First Communion between Jesus and the little hearts of those who know exactly who He is!!

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