Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Re-Evaluation of Life Goals - A Story of Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise

"Either do something worth writing or write something worth reading."
- Benjamin Franklin

    First, I would like to extend a serious "Welcome Home" to Suri Cruise and her mom, Katie Holmes. If you've even barely listened to the news recently you know that Katie and Tom have split and are no longer together. Just as quick as the news about their divorce was released, news that Katie re-joined the Catholic faith in a nearby NYC Catholic Church was made known. A little late on her response, Katie must be responding to the "Catholics Come Home Campaign!" I literally jumped for joy when I read the article on Katie's coming home and shouted a big, "Good for you, Katie. You go, girl." 
    Now, I'm really not that big on following the celebs and their drama. It's often way too much drama for this little calma llama. However, this drama is PERFECT drama for my Mama, Mary. You see, the moment I saw Katie had come home to our Mother Church, I started praying for her even more. All the drama the celebs go through is reason enough for people like us to pray for them. But now that she's re-joining the Catholic Faith...hello holy reason to pray!! AND NOW...Katie is enrolling little miss Suri (who I think is one of the cutest celeb children ever) in the Convent of the Sacred Heart School. Now, I don't want to jinx anything, but I've got a pretty good sixth sense involving vocations. Just sayin' that Suri would make a pretty precious Sister Dolores Hart Jr. 
     Little Miss Suri is only 6 six years old so this means she's got a year or two before her First Holy Communion. This also means she's got a good amount of time before she makes her Confirmation, which is my favorite sacrament. So, in reading all this GREAT news, I did a little re-evaluation of my life goals and I've added one: To be Suri Cruise's Confirmation Sponsor. My original goal was to be a sponsor more times than my dad, but I think if I get the blessing of being Suri Cruise's Sponsor, I will automatically trump my dad. Of course, no goal can be reached without a plan and since I have friends everywhere, I am enlisting them in helping me help catechize little miss Suri. What do you think? Haha...if only. 
      In all seriousness, however, I think Katie has a good head on her shoulders sending Suri to a Catholic School and bringing her into our beautiful faith. Who better to guide this precious little one than the Communion of Saints and our Blessed Mother?! I mean really. Suri will get to know Jesus and our Father in Heaven as well as all the numerous, beautiful things about our Faith. And let's be cool would it be to be a Confirmation sponsor for Suri? I'm just sayin'. I'm pretty sure that would be something worth reading about!!!

1 comment:

  1. Katie Holmes <3 I just finished Dawson's Creek when I heard the news that she rejoined the Catholic faith! Very exciting :)
