Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Are You Brave Enough? - A Story of Following God's Will

"Some say fate is beyond our command, but I know better. 
Our destiny is within us. You just have to be brave enough to see it." 
- Merida, Brave

     I'll admit, I'm not much of a movie goer, but after hearing my littlest sister bug and bug and bug to go to the movies, I submitted. Since she had been such a big help to me yesterday packing for my trip, I decided we could go see it today, especially since it is hot and going to the movies is a great way to kill time. Plus, I wanted to rack up all the hours with my little sister as possible. So, we saw a movie of her choice: Brave. 
     I'm not a movie critic and I'm not one to usually follow movie critiques, either, because I don't usually go to the movie theater. However, I had read a few on BRAVE simply because there was a lot of contradictory comments about it. As I was sitting in the theater watching the movie though, I felt extremely moved. Almost as moved as I felt during the Lion King back when that first came out. I was either laughing, crying or smiling almost the whole time because I got so into the movie!! And here's why:
    While the movie takes place in Scotland, I could easily see my IRISH grandma, Bea, as Brave. Bea, as you might have read before in my past blog posts, was a go-getter, an adventurer and I am certainly Bea's grandchild for those attributes are mine, as well. Right away, I could feel the love for my Irish heritage coming out (again, even though the movie takes place in Scotland). And the desire that Bea was with me also came out. Oh how I wish she could be with me on this adventure. 
    So basically this story is one of a girl named Merida who is attempting to change her fate. However, after a series of events that take place she realizes she can't change her fate and proclaims the above quoted phrase (which, as a word-lover, I fell in love with.) I don't believe in "fate," but rather God's plan for us. And if we replace the words "fate" and "destiny" with "God's plan", those words of Merida's become so much deeper. Those words hit so close to home.
      If you've been following my recent blog posts, you know that I leave for Jamaica on a service trip...tomorrow. I humbly believe that this desire to travel the world and do missionary work of sorts has always been a part of me. Before I can remember when, I've wanted to go to Ghana to work with the children. As I got older, that deep part of my heart and soul that yearned to travel to change the world grew even deeper and I found that it is something I must do with my life. So, I started small by heading to New Orleans, not to work with children, but to build. Now, I am headed to Jamaica to work with the children. I couldn't be anymore excited. I am so excited because this is part of God's plan for me or what Merida would call my "destiny" or my "fate." 
      And yet, of course, I am nervous. Because I won't have any connection to the outer world; to anywhere but our precious orphanage. I won't have a cell phone, or a computer, or maybe even access to a mailbox/post office. I am nervous to fly so far away and be so far away from my beloved family and friends. But the excitement and the realization that this is something God wants me to do with my life, overrides that nervousness. Perhaps this is a deeper realization that God is calling me to the missionary works throughout the world. I know, for sure, He is calling me to do it now, but how about for the rest of my life. 
      Like Merida, I have an adventurous heart and a gypsy soul (as I've said time and time again). She even climbed a waterfall!! She rides a horse, I row a kayak. She has a free spirit, and I have one, too, just owned by God. My heart desires the adventure of missionary work and traveling. So, if this may be "God's plan" within me, I hope I am BRAVE enough to see it and embrace it. 
      PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray for not only me as I travel, but those I travel with and those I will meet. Pray that God truly works within this week. Until then, my friends....be brave!


  1. Have a safe and very,very rewarding trip. You are remembered in prayer.
