Monday, July 16, 2012

I Pray For My Future Directresses Every Day - An Adventurous Soul Story

"I've got a gypsy soul to blame and I was born for living."
- Colder Weather, Zac Brown Band

     In a casual conversation the other day, I said, "I pray for my future directresses because I'm crazy." The young woman I was talking with replied, "I think it's great that while most people pray for their future husbands, you pray for them." But why..why would I pray for my future directresses? Well, because I've got such an adventurous soul and I was born for living!
     Last week, my daddy had the week off so we went on quite a few adventures. Now, if you know anything about me, you know that I absolutely LOVE water. Four out of our five days last week were spent near water!!! On Tuesday my family and I traveled Bush Kill Falls, the Niagra of Pennsylvania! My dad had picked the place out for the day and after three and a half hours of driving, singing at the top of our lungs the whole way, and almost dying by getting hit by a giant 18 wheeler truck, we made it. The place seemed to be situated all the way near the Poconos mountains, which I love, and had the feel of a national park to it! I had my charged up camera ready to go for the beautiful heights. There are four trails one can choose from and before we even knew that, my dad told all of us girls that we were taking the Red Trail. We get started on the Red Trail and eventually we see a sign saying, "This trail is only for the most experienced hikers. It is a natural trail built of rocky terrain. Please use caution." Oh great! I knew one thing, however, I was excited. I never really considered myself athletic but after doing the Red Trail twice and almost a third time, and hiking just over four miles on what was basically all rocks, I did. I always thought sporty girls were the ones who ran every day or played hard core team sports and even though I consider ice skating a sport, I never really considered myself athletic. However, when I realized how intense real hiking and kayaking was, I realized I have an athletic side to me and I always have. This newly unleashed athletic side of me, paired up with my adventurous soul was sure in her happy place in Bush Kill. Especially when the signs at the entrance of the park said not to stray from the trails or go swimming. I will be honest and tell you it was one of the hottest days of our week. I had worn shorts, my sneaks, two layering tank tops and a button down. That button down came off real quick because of the heat. I broke out in a nice sweat not too soon after either. So, the heat made me forget about the rules and I decided to climb some waterfalls. I mean, how often does a girl get a chance to climb a water fall? Not very often. So, as I left my backpack and my camera with my family, I went off to climb. I couldn't resist the coolness of the water and so, I dipped my head under the running falls and somehow managed to keep my shoes dry. Everything else, however, was soaked. My dad definitely thought I was crazy, but my middle sister, Mary, decided to join me on one of the falls. I guess crazy adventurous attitudes run in the family. At the end of that day, I felt so inspired by God's goodness and graces!! 
      About two summers ago, just my dad and I went kayaking on the Delaware River and we both decided that in the near future we were going to have to invest in some kayaks. That new future never came around, but ever since then we've been itching to get back in the water. So, Thursday, we took my two little sisters with us to go kayaking!! It was probably the best four hours I've ever spent on a creek. I taught my partner in crime how to row and finally, after two hours of me doing it myself, she got the hang of it. I think we both thoroughly enjoyed the bonding experiences that came with getting stuck in sand, mud and stones, as well as swimming in the cedar creek and almost capsizing our kayak at least three times. There were no cell phones, cameras, yes, but no interruptions to our day in nature. It felt glorious. 
      In my reflection about my week, I can easily feel the same emotions I felt then, once again. The beauty of the water and the nature and the glory of God was astonishing. I wanted to hold my breath and make it all stop. I felt the immense love of God within the peace that came with my adventuring. I believe God gave me this adventurous soul because it means I'm willing to take risks. Giving my life to God is a giant risk and yet, He know I'd be willing because of all the risk-taking I've already done in my normal life. As I was climbing the waterfalls and swimming along side the kayak in the red creek, I couldn't help but think of how much adventure I am going to have in religious life. Not only the adventure in prayer and community life, but in doing things just as I did this past week with my family. And so, I pray for my future directresses that they are able to handle my adventurous soul, my gypsy heart and my fun smile, because I was born for living and I plan on doing it as if everyday was my last. Oh my poor, poor future directresses. I hope they can handle this.  
Climbing Water Falls with my Sister

Climbing Water Falls with myself

Kayaking on the most beautiful day

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