Monday, August 20, 2012

A Sea of God

"A dreamer is a vessel; I will sail my vessel
til the river runs dry. 
I'll never reach my destination if I never try.
So, I will sail my vessel."
- Garth Brooks

     As some of you know, I'm a student leader at my college and so, I got the chance to move in a week early and attend meetings and workshops all week (which will essentially be my future as an educator...). Today, I and my fellow peers were given the opportunity to attend the first ever Student Leadership Institute at my University. The day included multiple sessions and seminars we could attend to learn more about aspects of leadership. One in particular was called "At Sea With God." However, one of my friends misread the title and called it "A Sea of God." For some reason, I found that a little more fitting.
     You see, one of the question presented was, "If I were a boat, what type of boat would I be?" So many different types of boats were presented like fishing boats, sail boats, kayaks, canoes, passenger liners, cargo ships, ice breakers and so many more. However, I didn't need those options to choose from. I already knew what type of boat I would be. There was a picture on the screen, similar to the one above. That's my boat. 
      I absolutely love water. As Brad Paisley says, "I have a love affair with water." True life. But I absolutely love being in/on boats. While I'm terrified of sinking in a huge passenger liner in the middle of the ocean, I would have no qualms about sailing in a little boat across the ocean. Ever since I was little, I've wanted to build a boat like this with my dad and then do something crazy like sail across the ocean with him. True story. I would absolutely love it.
       So why a meager, little, wooden sailboat? Well for one, Jesus was a carpenter. However, there's barely any room from anyone in my boat. Just me. And my journey through life has been and will be the road less traveled, or the seas less sailed. So, I am solo in my journey. However, many people come and go in my life so, of course, there is room for one person if they choose. But I am the only person that can live this life God has planned for me. So, it's a small boat. This means there's not much room for belongings. I've always had this desire to get rid of everything but a few necessities. So in my boat, I'd have only a few things. I'd have my trusty adventure backpack (I've seriously become so attached to that old thing...), my journal, a throw away camera (or a few), a blanket, of course, maybe a pair of flip flops, my bathing suit definitely, my bible, some changes of clothes, and my teddy bear. Oh, and some food. But that's it. I don't need much, so why bring much. My little boat gives enough room to sleep in, and enough room to sail in, and to row in. I would love it. Oh and the name of my boat would be Humility. 
      This boat not only sighs adventure, but it look worn, after much use. It looks like it's withstood so much challenge and chaos. It shows the hard work of long laboring and sailing. I imagine that big, tough, calloused hands have made my boat; the hands of my God. You see, God has given me the sea to sail, but it is up to me to get my boat moving. So, I must sail, catch God's wind, or row. Sometimes the waves will get rough and bumpy, sometimes there might be a storm at sea, and sometimes the waters will be calm. My little boat will be able to withstand it all; it's had tons of practice! And to be honest, I don't know if I'd have an anchor in my boat except only to be anchored in Christ, because I know with God, He will take me so many places. I won't be staying anywhere for real long!
        Yes, that is my boat. A tiny, humble sailboat. Made from wood by hand. Roughed up by years of sailing, but able to withstand so many more years!! But most importantly it will be at sea with God in the sea of God. I will constantly be surrounded by God as I will be surrounded by water. It will just like being wrapped in a hug with Jesus!!! In my boat! 

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