Friday, August 10, 2012

Life As A Sheep

"The Lord will guard us as a Shepherd guards His flock."
- Jeremiah 31

I know it's a goat...but you get the point. 
     Did you ever have a "DUH!" moment while sitting in Mass? Have you ever been sitting there, listening intently to the readings or the homily and have a mind-blowing realization? Like suddenly everything makes sense? Well, I get those moments and realizations every so often and this week was full of them. I'll start with Wednesday. 
     While I was sitting in my regular pew in Chapel, I was trying hard to stay wide awake. These nights have been late nights as I still am trying to adjust from that one hour time difference between here and Jamaica. Ok, I'm really just using that as my excuse...I'm a night owl. I'll be honest and say that I completely missed the whole first reading, and I was that awkward girl who slurred all the words of the really long response at the responsorial psalm because I couldn't remember it. As for the Gospel, don't ask me about it; that slipped my focus, too. So what was I focused on during Mass on Wednesday? The Homily. I love when priests give a short, sweet and to the point Homily but it's one that really sticks it to the man. Something with a lot of punch and gusto. The Homily was: "Two questions: Do you know you're a sheep of the shepherd? And are you willing to share that fact?" That's it, the end, no time for an answer. Right away, I started laughing. I was immediately reminded of how I taught the children in Jamaica how to "Bahhhhh" as a sheep or a goat. We spent a good half hour of our walk, "Bahhhh"-ing at every goat we saw. It was pretty precious. I couldn't help but think, I can easily impersonate a sheep and a goat, so I must be practicing in acting as a sheep. And even though all those children don't know it, they are practicing being sheep, too. Yes, I am a proud sheep for sure. And now that I've told you all about my being a sheep, I can answer Father's second question with a yes, too.
      Now for today's "duh" moment. The first reading today said: "God loves a cheerful giver." The response said, "Blessed the man who lends to those in need." And the Gospel said, "Where I am, there my servant shall also be." I suddenly realized why I have this desire to serve God and His people. I am a relatively cheerful person. Most who know me say that I am filled to the brim with positive energy and optimism. Father said in his Homily today that most cannot give financially to those in need and so what God calls us to do is give of ourselves and give our time. Josh Turner sings, "Time is Love" and he is so right. God is everywhere, truly, and so wherever God calls me to go, whether it be my hometown, New Orleans, Jamaica or anywhere else in the world, I've got to go. God gave me this "gypsy soul" and "missionary heart" for a reason: I need to give my time to those in need, be a cheerful giver and be willing to go where He is. The "duh" moment was: "No wonder I have this desire to travel and work with those in need...where God is, there I will go...and God is there." 
      Shepherds were nomadic people, and so as a sheep, a follower of the Shepherd, I must be willing to go wherever He goes and go bearing a smile for all to see. I must be willing to give my time as love. I must be willing to serve wherever God is. And so ladies and gents, or shall I say, rams and ewes, that is the life of a sheep. Bahhhhh!

P.S. Shout out to Sister Angela of Jesus the Good Shepherd on her Vow-aversary!


  1. And to think I thought your blog this week would have been on FISH....Hmmmmmmmmmmm and a "life saving moment". :)
