Sunday, March 4, 2012

Party Rockin' In the Church, Today...KATHARINE DREXEL!!!

‎"I looked up in wonder at god's wonderful ways and thought how littler we imagine what may be the result of listening and acting on a desire God puts into the heart."
- St. Katharine Drexel
     Every once in a while, you get blessed with an experience of a lifetime. While, I've had many of those in my lifetime, one of them stands out as yesterday we celebrated St. Katharine Drexel's Feast Day! A little over ten years ago, little third grader me, traveled to Roma, Italy with my familia for a very special occasion. This occasion was the CANONIZATION of our dear Katie D! What an amazing experience!! 
     Ever since I was a wee child, I grew up with the reminder of Katie D. But for the longest time she was Blessed Mother Katharine Drexel, the nun who built a convent in which I found lots of cookies. Hers was a convent I frequented often as a little one, always visiting nuns. But, I never really got to know Katharine until my later years (later meaning high school, of course). 
     I remember once specific Feast Day Mass, at the Cathedral in the city, when I was interviewed by the Catholic Standard. I had left school early that day, so I was in my school uniform. Right away, that draws a reporter to a kid. WHY would the average high school student take off school for an event like Mass? Well, my answer: Why not? This is awesome! She laughed and right away decided I was a down to earth type girl, who would answer any of her questions. She asked what I studied in school, she asked what my family was like, and finally, she asked what my full name was. She almost had a heart attack when I told her. Yep, I was a Gutherman! What had seemed like the end of the interview with the last question, immediately prompted a whole new interview. The final question this time: What is your relationship with Katharine Drexel? My answer: Right now, I'm working on my relationship with my main Man upstairs, the big JC. As for Katie D, she's someone I look up to, but I don't have a too personal relationship with her. Other than that answer giving my dad a heart attack when he read it, my answer prompted me to discover a bit more about Katie D and develop a relationship with her.
      I already knew her story, and my dad's story by heart. But I needed a story, and so, I decided from that moment on, I would do all I could to make it possible. Having a driver's license helped a lot with that. I was able to drive by the Shrine whenever I felt like it or even go to Mass with the sisters there as well. I read more about Katharine's writings and developed that relationship. Now, she isn't St. Katharine Drexel to me...she is Katie D; my girl, Katie D!
      And so, because she's my girl, Katie D, I can say how there was a Party Rockin' in the Church yesterday for her Feast Day mass! If you've ever wanted a multicultural experience, her Chapel on her feast day is one for sure. I was surrounded by Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans...oh, and Americans. There was laughter, conversation, food, prayer, singing. EVERYTHING! And the first thing I said to Sister when I walked in was, "Holy Smokes, Katie D is kickin' in Heaven today!" And she agreed! I was so happy to be surrounded by so much excitement! And as I sat with my little sis on my lap, we looked up to the room built over the Chapel where Katharine would watch Mass when she was sick, so see the silhouette of sister waving at us! 
      There is something so peaceful about walking the same hallways as Katharine did and sitting in her pews and touching the walls she built and praying where she prayed. She is my girl, and she's with me all the time! And her words are the words I must truly live my life by: "We must attract them with Joy!" Happy Feast, Girl! 

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