Thursday, November 22, 2012

Give Thanks

"If you only had today, what you thanked God for yesterday....
what would you have?"
- Anonymous

    Well, I'd certainly have my little sisters. Even though last night we were playfully bickering over pajama pants, blankets and hair dye, I thanked God for them. You see, every time I come home, my sisters and I pull out our true Gutherman. To be a true Gutherman, one must be able to stand up for oneself, take a punch, throw a punch, use words wisely, be able to run for your life or after someone else's life, and never forget to say I love you. Oh yeah, and eat like the stomach is a bottomless pit. And so, being home, my little sisters and I engage in various activities like chasing each other around the house, dying hair, eating lots of food (I have right reason...I'm at college, folks) and snuggling while watching movies and complaining about who is touching who with their feet. Yep, we are true siblings.
    Today, for the first time in a very long time, I went back to my Parish for Mass. It was just myself and Mary, my middle sister, so while she went up to the altar to cantor, I sat in a little pew, more than half way back by myself. I closed my eyes, and quite honestly started to fall asleep. For a few minutes, my mind and heart floated between slumber and prayer. It wasn't until two little giggly girls ran up the aisle and sat on my lap, did I wake up. These little ones, Megan and Caleigh, have been in my life for a long, long time. Every time we happen to be at Mass together, they come and sit with me. They snuggle up under my arms and sing, read and pray with me. It's precious! And so, like usual, after they jumped on me, they snuggled up. A few minutes later, my littlest sister popped into the pew, too. There I was, me and my three little girls squished in a pew, each with a book. 
    My favorite part of going home aside from seeing all the members of my beloved Parish family, is sitting with all the children. In the middle of Mass, I saw one of the Parish moms look back and simply smile. This is a very typical moment every Sunday I am home: Becca and the little ones. The best part about this is how innocently we all sing together. Being so young, they have no sense of keys or harmonies, as I have after so many years of singing, but it is still perfect. Their voices are so clear and innocent. I love it. In addition to the little ones surrounding me with song, I could hear Mary singing from the altar beautifully. So, even though I couldn't be with her up there, I harmonized with her from my pew.
     After Mass, another Parishioner came up to me and said, "I love to hear you and all the kiddies singing. When you're home, do you sing with your sisters all the time?" I laughed and honestly admitted that usually we are yelling and screaming at each other (because none of us can communicate in a normal tone of voice) and the house is usually filled with laughter. Quite a few times, I heard how blessed people were to have me back home. I collected smiles and laughs and good words in my heart from my Parish family. I couldn't help but thank God for the blessing they instantly became for me. 
    I am so thankful and grateful this Thanksgiving for my family, for good food and for love. But in particular, I am thankful for my Parish family, especially Megan and Caleigh, who continuously bring me toward God. They don't know it, and probably wouldn't understand it, but they brought me such hope, such happiness today. With their innocent smiles and laughter during Mass, and precious prayers, yes, they brought me hope and they brought me home this Thanksgiving. And of course, I'm so thankful for my very Gutherman sisters who can always bring me laughter and tears no matter what the day. I love them and I know I am so blessed. 
    And so, if tomorrow I wake up with all that I thanked God for today, I'd have my sisters, my family, and my Parish family. And even though, I didn't thank God for all of the material goods I have like a bed, heat, running water and food, I'd survive. Because if I thanked God for the material goods but not the people that mean the most to me, I'd still have nothing. But with them, I have everything. I could live without comfort, food and water, but not without my family. It's a reminder to me that yes, those are "added pluses" to my life, "extra blessings" and I thank God for them, but only after I thank Him for the most important people in my life. Thanks God, for all those people. And of course, for the added blessings You have given me!

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