Saturday, November 17, 2012

Octo-Nun : A Balancing Act

"Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. 
If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. 
Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, 
the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds' wings."
- Rumi

     Octo-Nun (not to be confused with the once famous, Octo-Mom): one who can simply do anything and everything do to two visible arms and six invisible/figurative arms.
     Two nights ago was the opening show of our Fall Show, Mame. While I didn't have enough time to offer to actually be a part of the cast, I somehow, last minute, found time to manage being part of the Stage Crew. Within a few short hours, I went from having a free week of nothing to do, to having a week with my hands full. It started with Sunday being in the theater for about a rough ten hours. Then Monday, from 5-12. Tuesday, just the same. Wednesday, even more similar. Finally, last night, the show! All of these hours were spent spiking sets, painting set pieces, cutting fabric, working on curtain calls and cues, and so much more. Last night, those final hours were spent fixing broken tables and running around like a chicken without her head on, trying to find a few pairs of extra hands to move back drops and trees. When the show finally started, I took a deep breath. Finally! 
      In the middle of the show, I was so blessed to be given the extra job of setting up for our concession stands with three of the sisters! All surprisingly went smoothly. When I looked back on it, I realized: of course it went smoothly, the sisters were in charge. As I left, I really thought, praise God for these beautiful women in my life, who truly keep me sane and laughing! I ran backstage to quickly reset the stage and as the second Act begin, headed back out to clean up the concession stands. When I got there, it was already cleaned up. Praise God for my sisters. 
      From a stage crew point of view, the show went phenomenal. I was literally so proud of the crew that had come together in basically a week. Having just striked the set on Sunday and finally practiced on Monday, I'd say we did a pretty good job. I left smiling for sure. After, of course, I fixed those pesky broken tables again! 
      Last night, after having such a successful night the night before, I was truly relaxed and hoping for the best! Everything seemed to be in place after we painted some new tables and so, there was plenty of down time. I went to the dressing room and even helped the girls get ready. You see, usually I am in the shows as an actress, and I am always doing hair and makeup and helping others get dressed. That is really my expertise when it comes to theater. So, I entered into my well-polished stage mom attitude and went to work. It wasn't until a half hour before the show that I realized my stage left, stage hand was missing. In a panic, I ran to our director, the always love Sister Marcille, and asked her what to do! Of course, she said, "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best." We thought about it for a second, and I realized that I could easily do all the stage moves myself. I may be little, but I am definitely strong. It's almost as if I work out...but I don't. Needless to say, my stage hand never showed up. So, I became Octo-Nun. Yep, I grow extra arms and got stuff done. 
     You see, Thursday night during the show, one of the Vocation Directors, Sister Mary Jo, saw me during intermission. In excitement, she said "Becca, how do you simply do it all?" In our conversation, we talked about all the many, HEALTHY, things I am involved in. With Sister Rose by her side, we chatted briefly about having full hands. In thinking about it, I realized I like my hands full. I'm like a little kid who wants a cookie for both hands, not just a cookie to eat. I like taking a bite out of life from both hands. They told me that they didn't think there were enough hands in the world to be involved in as many things as I am. The secret is that secretly, I'm practicing to be Octo-Nun. You know, that Sister that just happens to be everywhere. Hi, that'll be me. Last night, even Sister Carmel and Sister Donna told me that they see me everywhere. Sister Donna wasn't too sure what year in college I was because she sees me so much. 
     And yet, it's mutual. I see them everywhere. I'm convinced they all have multiple doppelgangers. They seem to be able to just do everything. All the sisters. I will see them in their offices and then five seconds later they are on the other side of campus. Or driving to the city. Or directing a play. Or doing other amazing things, that most people don't have time for. And on top of all of that, every person they see, they stop and greet. They make it a point to meet the Jesus in every person! I love it! Needless to say, I've been learning how to be Octo-Nun from the best examples!! 
      OK, so the real secret is the best time management. However, I think the Octo-Nun excuse works much better, in my opinion!

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