Thursday, November 24, 2011

I Love My School A Million...

   When most people get to college, they never even think twice (or even once) about going back to their high school for a visit. It's time to party, live life and forget the past. And then there's me and the rest of the Naz Acad alum. Going back to our high school is a MUST. With all the tradition wrapped around the place, and the faculty who you just can't get enough of, you don't think twice about it; you just go. 
    Thanksgiving last year was the biggest influx of alum I had ever seen at Mass. This year, it was just me and one of my best friends since most of our classmates were stuck still at school. But if I was home, there was no question about it; I was getting myself up early to go and visit. You see, there's something about our Chapel and Mass that one can never escape. It brings you such a feeling of warmth, love and faith. It's a feeling that truly can not be expressed; it must be experienced.
    And so, at the last possible minute, we slipped into the last pew. We opened our programs and smiled at every song selection. Back when we went to school there, we would so easily harmonize with each other during Mass. We couldn't wipe the smiles off our faces as Mass began. Now, it's never a complete Naz Mass without a Music Department fail and of course, within the first few minutes, they failed by not coming in on time and switching tempos. Oi. But never the less, Mass was always enjoyable.
   Most of you have never witnessed a Nazareth Mass, and if you ever get the chance, be forewarned: newcomers always, ALWAYS get freaked out during the Our Father. Every single person in the chapel moves toward the center and it gives a loud, thunderous sound. We all join hands and pray together. We lift our hands in praise to God and then stand still until the sign of peace. It becomes the loudest sign of peace you could ever hear. Every time I am moved to tears, because those few minutes are what we are all about. Every. Single. Time. Tears. 
   While it's so nice to walk around and get to see each those teachers we will always love, there is something so special about sharing the Mass with all 450 students and the faculty. There is something so spiritually moving about the thunderous roar of Eastland shoes moving across the Chapel. There is something more than comforting in holding hands with students past and present and teachers, all at once; everyone connected. And there is something so unique, which makes one truly love their school a million, about having the Communion Ministers still say, "Body of Christ, Becky," even when you graduated two years ago. Yeah, this school is almost something magical but it's so real. And I really do love my school a million. 

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