Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Nun Wedding...Finally

    In the words of my little sister, "Sister got married to Jesus today. Forever and Ever." Yeah, she got it right. Seriously, this day could not have been any more beautiful for my dearest sister. The Chapel was perfect, the people were perfect, the music was perfect, her smile was PERFECT! Seeing the face of a beautiful bride to be was nothing short of amazing. Having been there to witness her make her final vows of poverty, chastity and obedience and receive her ring that says "My Beloved is mine and I am my Beloved's" was beyond exciting. It pulled at my heart strings so greatly and as I knelt in the oh so familiar Chapel, listening to the Litany of Saints, tears of joy and hope streamed down my face. 
     There was something about being in the Chapel that first threw my heart into a tizzy, fainted by God's love. After all my years of sneaking in there during my lunch period EVERY DAY during my four years of high school, that place still brings back so many memories of my discernment. Let's just say it's a place where I shed many tears in frustration and many laughs in happiness. It's where I so often received Jesus in the Eucharist and once again I did all of these today. And yet, while all of those days were special, today was the most special of all. Not only was I there for my first "Nun Wedding" with so many whom I love, but also because it was today that spoke most to my heart concerning my vocation.
      First, I must tell you that the Homily resolved around three things: Jesus saying, "I love you" at our Baptism, Jesus saying, "Live in my Love, forever" during our lives and finally, thanking those people who have blessed us by helping us live in Jesus' love. Today was so full of me thanking the people who have helped me live in His love, mostly the sisters. 
      After the final profession, so much festivity surrounded me. I saw sisters I haven't seen in years, sisters I've never met and my closest sisters with whom I correspond daily. With all those sisters, however, there was one common phrase: "I can't wait until YOU are a beautiful bride of Christ, too, Becky." Yeah, imagine my face flushing red with pure love of the Lord. If I've even been more in love with JC than today, I cannot remember. Truly He sent me each one of those sisters, from my closest to my newest, to give me hope for my future as a Sister. A legitimate, religious sister. 
     Just like every wedding, the reception wouldn't be complete without at least two crazy people, taking crazy pictures and doing crazy things. I am proud to say, that I and my long-time partner in crime sister, fulfilled that obligation by taking very serious pictures with the mixer made for intense amounts of baking. Oh and of course, the awesome, new dish washing phenomenon that we are even more excited to use!
     And finally, just like most little girls, while at a real wedding, plan their special day with their husband-to-be, I was dreaming about my final profession date. Since I have a HUGE, supportive family and so many friends, I imagine a Chapel stock full of people, and my high school gym decorated picnic style with much dancing, laughing, singing and sharing. In this dreaming, I wondered, too, who would be the sister/sisters who stay up with me the night before my final vows because the Lord knows I will be too excited to sleep? Hmm...who will that lucky person/people be? I can truly only imagine a community room full of my very closest sisters, all in one place (because the all BETTER fly/drive in), sharing story upon story upon story...of their wedding days. 

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