Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Melt Away

    First off, happy vocations awareness week! Booyah!! VOCATIONS! Pray, pray, pray for ALL vocations! 
    Vocations awareness week for me, wouldn't be the same if I didn't spend AT LEAST one of the days with my AE, also known as the vocation director or better yet, one of my best creative friends. If the two of us are in a room together for more than a single five second block of time, brain neurons start firing in each of our brains to each other during which we come up with CRAZY ideas...like melting crayons. And so, today we decided to just casually melt some crayons into wicked cool art. Below are the results!! I have to admit, the blue one is my favorite. As we melted, I thought of all the therapy this exercise could offer. I thought that for the blues, its the melting away of sadness. For the reds, anger. Or, you could give meaning to every emotion we feel or pain, assign it a color and melt it away making beautiful art instead. Yep, sometime I'll do art and music therapy with my students in the classroom! 
    As the day stretched on, I ran down the stairs (er...rode the elevator) to the community room to dedecorate because tomorrow officially starts ORDINARY TIME!!!! It's been a tradition for about FOUR years now!! Holy Wonder and Awe; I feel old. And yet, it seems like so much longer. All I can say is, thank God I did my laundry over the weekend because, the day didn't end with Decorations. No, I picked up my sisters from school, and headed home to make dinner. My last home-cooked meal before going back to college. And oh was it DELICIOUS! Thank God for cooking talents!
    The night was still young and so, I headed over to my other frequently visited convent to say my "good-byes" to my sisters before I left. Yes, it was a perfect night and a foreshadowing again. As I lounged about with the sisters, talking to one about her classes, another about her student teaching, another about Cake Boss, I felt so perfectly at home. Yes, I worked on Student Teaching things already with one of My Polish nuns and it felt strangely accurate of what convent life will be like for me. Talking to a sister about one thing, talking to another sister about another thing all the while fixing the computer, brainstorming ideas and watching the latest episode of Cake Boss. It's like family; me and all my sisters just hanging out, not a care in the world.  It's my definition of perfection. Actually, no, it's not. If I had my PJ's on and my own room to go to sleep in, that WOULD have been perfection! NUN SLEEPOVER! It makes me so anxious for our CREW Retreat...where it's even more of a perfect glimpse into my future! Me and a house full of nuns! Love it!!

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