Friday, January 6, 2012

Thank God We're Friends With The Mother General....Nun-Tastic Day 5

     It was another day of being out and about, running errands and feeling like a grown-up. First, I headed to see my Boyfriend, like I do every morning, at Mass and have some quiet conversation with Him. In particular, we talked about the school closings. Side note: I wasn't worried about my own High School (Go PRIVATE education, woohoo) but about the schools in which my nuns teacher. But as JC and I chatted, He sent me a little prayer card that said, "Little Flower, help me hold onto the same hope you had and practice in your little way." It was perfect! And another side note: both my sisters' schools were fine; I don't think they could have handled another school change. Anyway, so JC and I had a nice visit and then it was off for the day. 
     First things first: morning coffee. YAY! And breakfast for Mom. Then it was a gathering of items I would need for the day: Christmas Presents, passport information, various checks and yadda yah, and of course, snacks. All of it was piled in the back seat of the car and then it was on to picking up my cousin. A little background on this relationship: my cousins, Kiersten, is probably my best friend. She stole my birthright by being pre-mature, she is a fashionista/hipster, and is super smart. She has been there for me for everything, from the first moment I told her I wanted to be a nun (I was five...and so was she) to now, when I need her to  help me run errands. 
     We first headed to RiteAid so I could get a passport picture done, and then we realized on our way to the post office that I look like I'm wearing the same outfit in both pictures. We just had to laugh. After paying for that parking violation ticket from yesterday, we went through with the passport stuff all so that I could head to Jamaica in July for some SUPER SERVICE PROJECTS!!! After that was a quick visit with the great Aunt Bunny (her real name's Mildred and she would kill me if she knew that information was now on the internet) then off to the mall. I have to admit, I'm not a big money spender, but I saw the PERFECT blue and white varsity sweater and I've been wearing it ever since. I think Mama G would be really proud. Of course, we had to go to Starbucks and get COFFEE (if I can't sleep tonight you'll know why!).
      Then, using my great skills, we made it to my little sister's school just on time for the bell. We waited outside for her and then decided that since my cousin went to the same school a million years ago, we would go visit. While she visited her old teachers, Little Lizzie Loulabel introduced me to the most precious nun I've ever met. She told me that she had been waiting and waiting to meet me because all Lizzie talks about is "Becky this and Becky that." Aww, how nice it is to the be the apple of my little one's eye. I felt so much better after talking with sister about how lizzie is doing in school. She told me she is taking special care of her....I guess just how the nuns did for me when I was little. Precious.
       One more stop was on the agenda for the Fifth Nun-Tastic day in a row; NIFTY FIFTIES FOR MILKSHAKES. It's always been a thing for me, but I've gradually introduced the nuns and my sisters to the beauty of milkshakes from that place. So, we met up with one of our closest sisters for a cute little date. Ever since we went to the Nun Wedding, Lizzie has been obsessed with the sisters' rings. And most times the sisters physically can't take off their rings to show her. Today was the exception. In her cute little innocence, she right away put it on her finger for a perfect and started showing it off. I keep thinking, oh my goodness this HAS to be illegal. But then, I just knew we had to take pictures because what if one day...oh, better not jinx it. All I'm saying is this; thank GOD we are all (Lizzie included) friends with the Mother General so we can't get in trouble for this ceremonious ring sharing. 

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